The Kenya General elections for 2017 are scheduled to be held on 8th August 2017. The following are the positions Smart Kenyan voters will elect into office: The President and his deputy, members of Parliament (Senate and National Assembly) and devolved government members (county governors and ward representatives including women representatives).
The IEBC (Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission) Will oversee the general elections in Kenya.
A smart Kenyan should know the procedure of voting in Kenya. According to the IEBC, This is the process of voting in Kenya General Elections.
Voting Procedure in the General Elections
- You will have to get to a polling station near your. The one you registered as a voter from.
- When you enter the polling room, the first step is to be identified as a voter, the voting clerk will identify you on the system.
- You will move to the next clerk who will issue you with 6 stamped ballot papers and direct you to a booth where you will select your prefered candidate.
- In the booth, it will be you alone and you will mark the ballot papers (Usually you use one style of marking either a tick or cross against your prefered candidate. Don’t use both.
- After marking the ballot papers, you will proceed to cast your vote in ballot boxes, they will be six boxes on the table and you will cast one ballot paper in each box.
- Just to make sure you don’t come back to vote a gain, near the exit there will be a clerk who will mark your left small finger with indelible ink.
- You are done and you can go home and watch the proceedings on TV and await the final results.
How to Mark Ballot Papers

IEBC advises that after voting in the General elections, you don’t hang around the polling station. Go home or somewhere else so as to leave room for the other Kenyans to vote.
This information has been provided from the IEBC Website. At Smart Kenyan we will always support the work of IEBC to ensure the election process remains transparent and credible.
Please vote peacefully and wisely