How to Reverse Mpesa Transactions

Today we will look at how to reverse Mpesa transactions if sent to the wrong number or Pay Bill.

Mpesa is a household name in Kenya. There is no place that you can not make a payment via Mpesa. Be it a bank payment, bills payment as well as school fees payment. Despite this service making our lives easier, there are times when we can find our selves sending money to the wrong person.

Over time, Safaricom has taken huge strides towards reducing the number of its customers who lose money by sending to the wrong number. For instance, the Hakikisha service whereby before you click send money, there is usually a new tab that asks you if you want to send money to that person, both number and name. If that was not the intended party/person, one can press on any number and submit. This automatically results in the transaction being cancelled. It’s worth to note that the Hakikisha service has resulted in a reduction in the number of people who lose money by sending to the wrong number.

How to reverse Mpesa Transaction send to the wrong number

There are two main methods to reverse the transaction

  1. Through shortcode 456

Here is how to reverse money using this SMS code:

  • Go to the Mpesa message you have received from Safaricom, Immediately you realize that you have sent money to the wrong number, and copy the transaction code.
  • Open a new message, address it to 456 and paste the transaction ID
  • From here, Safaricom will try their best to reserve the transaction

2. My Safaricom App

The second way to reserve a transaction is by using my Safaricom App. The App is available to anyone who owns an Android phone or even an iPhone. The Safaricom App is a fantastic App that will enable you to reverse the transaction hassle-free. How to go about it:

  • Launch the Safaricom App on your Phone
  • Go to Mpesa
  • Select Mpesa transactions
  • Then Mini statements
  • Against each transaction, you will see a reverse icon


  • After clicking on the reverse button, a new dialogue box will be opened. The dialogue box looks like this:


  • Click on OK
  • Safaricom will then take it up from here and reverse the transaction.

It is important to note that this reversal feature is also available to for Lipa Na Mpesa, buying airtime or even Mpesa- Mshwari transactions.

However, for those that are not using the App, the procedure to reverse a Lipa Na Mpesa or a Paybill transaction are slightly different.

How to Reserve Lipa Na Mpesa pay bill

Kindly note, for Paybill reversal it is not possible to initiate it directly from Safaricom end. However, Safaricom may help you get the phone number for the merchant who runs the business. To get this, call Safaricom via 191.

All you have to do once you call the merchant, just make sure you have the following details at hand for authentication.

  • Full Names
  • The time you send the transaction
  • ID number
  • Mpesa transaction ID

After providing this, the merchant will let you know how soon they can reverse the money.

How to Reverse Lipa Na Mpesa buy goods

If you were shopping at a Supermarket and then at the counter happened to send the money to the wrong number, there is a way to get this money back. Here is how to go about it:

Call Safaricom on 234 number and then ask them to reverse the transaction.

Other ways to reverse a transaction

The different ways in which one can initiative a reversal process may be:

  • Send the word ‘reverse’ to 100
  • Chat with Safaricom at their self-care site 
  • Or tweet them @ Safaricom_care


Do not lose your money in silence; try out all the methods outlined above to solve the issue at hand.

Do you have any issues at hand?

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Mary is one of the leading writers on Urban Kenyans. She is knowledgable on matters Kenya and has been able to educate many Kenyans on this platform.

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