mKey App Review from Finserve Kenya

There is no doubt that Kenya deserves to be called the silicon savannah of Africa. When we start to talk about apps like the mKey app from Finserve, it is then that you will realize that we have serious innovators in this country.

mKey is a revolutionary app that is incomparable to no other app. There is literally no other app in my knowledge that is as versatile as the mKey app.

To briefly describe it, mKey is a keyboard app that combines the most common practices and packages them in a seamless fashion to enhance the user experience.

mKey combines financial, lifestyle and social aspects in one app.

mKey app

In essence, you could do virtually everything within the same app. You can shop, chat, stream videos, pay bills, borrow loans, pay loans and so much more within the same app.

My experience with mKey app from Fineserve

After hearing about the mKey app and all the hype around it, I figured out it would better if I tested it for myself and this is what I found out palls.

mKey is Very User-friendly

mKey is definitely an app that has set a new benchmark for fintech and social apps not only in Kenya but across Africa. I will have to admit that I have never used such a user-friendly application.

Considering it is a very different application, one would expect to have challenges navigating through the app. However, mKey app was built with the users’ experience in mind.

That way, anyone who has ever used any app can use mKey without any problem. Perhaps what seemed to impress me most is the fact that I could buy airtime from any of my lines using the app, watch Youtube from the same app and do so much more.

What I also found interesting was the addition of local emojis called yetumojis. These ones allow Kenyans to communicate in a more interesting and localized manner.

Read also: Online Loans in Kenya

What you Can do with mKey App?

These are the things you can do with mKey loan App:

  1. Get a loan
  2. Create a groups
  3. Access a keyboard with yetumojis.
  4. Send money to several mobile wallets like Mpesa, Equitel money, and Airtel money.
  5. Buy airtime
  6. Buy goods or pay bills.
  7. Read news. You can get loans among other services.
  8. Get rewards

Get yourself a Loan

By now, most Kenyans have interacted with a number of mobile loan apps. Mkey comes as an addition to the pool of mobile loan apps in Kenya. mKey, other than just being a fun app also lets you borrow from as little as 300 bob up to Ksh. 1 Million at the touch of a button.

The maximum amount that one can borrow is dependent on an individual borrowers credit score and repayment history, transactions among other factors. The loans are charged an interest rate of 9%. As you can see, mkey is quite a game changer considering most mobile loan apps offer a maximum loan of 100,000/=

Must Read: Loan Apps in Kenya

You can create a group account

At a point in the life of an adult, one has to be a member of one or two groups. Groups could be chamas or short-term groups for a certain objective like trips, investment or charity.

Pooling together can be advantageous as people are able to combine efforts and deal with whatever is ahead of them. Most of the time, groups are formed with the aim of collecting money.

mKey app

The group may decide to open a bank account for long-term groups. But for short-term groups, a treasurer is entrusted with the funds.

Unfortunately, some treasurers end up spending the group’s money leading to frustration. With mKey, members can register their group of up to 10 members and save their contributions with the app.

Reward System

As if all the good stuff were not enough, mKey goes the extra mile to reward its frequent users with random gifts. For each transaction that one makes using mKey, they are rewarded with points.

The more points you earn, the more likely you are to win a reward from mKey app. These rewards come in the form of airtime and other amazing prizes.

Needless to say, our friends from Finserve have done an impressive job of creating such an amazing application. Now you can take care of your financial, social and lifestyle aspects without having to switch to another application.

You can download the mKey Loan App on the Google Play store

How to contact mKey

Customer service is imperative when it comes to any business. Most companies tend to be ignorant of this fact without keeping in mind the effects that poor service would have in the long run. Responding to customer queries is part of proper business etiquette that I liked about mKey.

mKey app

Unlike many companies that require you to email them and wait for ages before you get a reply, I found the chat feature on mKey very effective. They replied in a couple of minutes after I sent them a message on chats. What’s more, they even email you the conversation that you had with them just in case you might want a reference point in future.

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Brian is a founding writer at Urban Kenyans. His work is focused on how to improve the digital literacy of Kenyans online. He has been able to do so with his mastery of Kenya and the English Language.

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