Top 15 Businesses to Start in Kenya with 20K

Updated on July 2, 2024: Included five new businesses and added FAQs for easy understanding.

In this guide, I will show you the list of businesses to start in Kenya with 20k.

Are you looking to start a business in Kenya? Allow me to share the list of companies you can start with 20K in Kenya. We all want to be businessmen and women at some point in our life.

The most deterring factor when it comes to starting a business is usually capital. Here are some of the companies to start with 20k in Kenya.

List of Businesses to start in Kenya with 20K

Here is a list of businesses to start with 20K in Kenya:

1. Pedicure/Manicure business

Beauty standards in this century have changed. It is not just women who seek pedicure and manicure services these days, even men also do.

This business is booming in Nairobi and other towns as more and more people embrace getting their nails and feet done.

To start, one could begin by doing house calls. Another more natural way is to provide your services to an already established salon and then grow your client base before renting out. For this particular business, a minimum of Kes. 15,000.

2. Selling Fresh fruits and Juice

With the advent of people seeking healthy living options, this business is practically booming.

One could start small by selling fruit salads and Juice in offices. To do this, one has to select a good location that has a lot of offices.

Fruit selling business is a good idea since it is very low on its capital demands.

The City Market and Muthurwa could be the right place for a vendor to get fresh supplies each day.

As a result of this with less than 20k, one could be able to start the business.

3. Selling Women Handbags

Ladies love looking good and fashion. It does not matter if they already have ten handbags in their closet,

They will still go ahead and buy another one if they like it. This here makes this business perfect to start with less than 20K.

One could buy the handbags from Eastleigh on wholesale and then resale them at even double the buying price. However, one has to select good bags made of quality materials and even popular ones.

There are also some shops opposite the old Tusky’s Beba Beba that also sell quality handbags at a lower price.

One may not need a physical shop to start the business; Instead, social media could come in handy in marketing and distributing the product. When it comes to handbags, importation from other countries is also an option.

There are many companies these days that help business people to import products from overseas at affordable rates. Countries like China and Uganda are ranking high when it comes to importation.

4. Selling Second-Hand Clothes/ Mitumba

This has always been the go-to business for me. Gikomba and Toi are the best places to get cheap quality clothes for resale.

All that one needs is to be able to identify the best suppliers for the second-hand clothes that they would want to start selling.

Some of the best second-hand clothes to sale include ladies dresses, and T-shirts, as well as ladies and male jeans and chiffon tops.

Another thing to be aware of is the best days in which bales are opened. For Gikomba, those days are specific as to the clothing that one needs to purchase.

Take, for instance, the best day to buy dresses is on Tuesday Morning ( as this is when new bales are opened.

It is important to note that there are many groups on Facebook that provide detailed advice as to where to buy what.

5. Selling new Shoes

This is another lucrative business idea to carry out in Kenya with less than 20K. One has to identify unique brands that the targeted customers might want to purchase.

It is good to note that various types of shoes are also largely dependent on the season and target market.

Kamukunji market in Nairobi is a perfect place to purchase shoes wholesale for resale. The market is open each day from Monday to Sunday.

The best day to buy shoes has always been on a Saturday. This is because most shops are usually restocked by then.

6. Car Wash Business

This is another Lucrative business in Kenya. To start a car wash business, select an area with a good supply of water and then purchase a car washing machine.

To make the business attract even more customers, locate your business near a Nyama Choma base, and you will be assured of customers.

With a dedicated staff, one could keep a target of at least ten cars a day at Ksh200 which is like Ksh2000 to start with.

We need to do away with the mindset that the carwash business is for the less learned in society and embrace it. A good thing to note is that even women are embracing the industry these days.

7. Ladies Beauty Shop

The 21st-century woman is made up of many things—one of those things being make-up and other beauty accessories. To start, select a location with a lot of foot traffic, as well as salons.

One could get the products to sell from Dubois Kenya or even the shops opposite Tuskys OTC.

You will never go wrong with ladies beauty products because we are always reinventing ourselves. With ladies, it’s not about our age, it’s always about how do we look.

8. Smokies and Boiled Eggs Business

If you have little money and need to start a business, then this one is a good idea for a small business.

One only needs eggs, smokies, an excellent location with people traffic as well as a smokie trolley.

To sell out in this business, one has to be extremely clean. To get a good bargain on smokies; it is more economical to buy your supplies from Kenchick shops.

9. Salon/Barber Shop

A barber/salon shop is a very lucrative business that will reap you good cash as long as you have employed the right people.

It does not even matter if you know how to do the actual braiding and shaving or not.

All you have to do is hire professionals who are passionate about what they do. You could start with one staff to minimise the startup cost and then grow from there.

10. Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is one of the small businesses in Kenya to start in Kenya with less than 20K. This business is up-and-coming, especially with the mushrooming fast-food hotels in towns.

You could start with a few chickens and then grow from there. Most young people in Kenya are realising that this is a great business to start on the side and are taking it up.

11. Vegetable Farming

With a small piece of land, you can start growing vegetables such as spinach, kale, or tomatoes. These crops have a short growth period and can be harvested multiple times, providing a steady income. The initial investment will cover seeds, fertilizer, and basic farming tools. Growing herbs and spices like coriander, mint, and chili peppers can be profitable. They are in high demand in local markets and restaurants. The initial investment includes seeds, organic manure, and simple irrigation systems.

12. Mobile Phone Accessories Shop

Mobile phone usage is widespread in Kenya, and there is a constant demand for accessories. With 20,000 shillings, you can start a small shop or kiosk selling items such as phone cases, chargers, earphones, and screen protectors. This business has a high turnover and can quickly generate profits.

13. Second-Hand Electronics

Buying and selling second-hand electronics like mobile phones, radios, and televisions can be a lucrative business. With 20,000 shillings, you can start by sourcing affordable electronics from people upgrading their devices or from repair shops. Ensure you test the items before purchasing to avoid losses.

14. Small Bakery

Starting a small bakery from home can be an excellent business with a 20,000 shilling investment. You can bake cakes, bread, cookies, and pastries and sell them to neighbors, schools, and local shops. The initial cost covers ingredients, baking equipment, and basic marketing materials like flyers.

15. Cleaning Services

A cleaning service business requires minimal investment and can be highly profitable. With 20,000 shillings, you can purchase cleaning supplies and equipment, such as detergents, mops, and buckets. You can offer services to homes, offices, and small businesses. Networking and word-of-mouth will be crucial for getting your first clients.

Top 10 Businesses to Start in Kenya with 20K – FAQs

Where can I source quality second-hand clothes?

You can source quality second-hand clothes from markets like Gikomba in Nairobi, Kongowea in Mombasa, or wholesale suppliers who import them.

What kind of food should I sell?

Focus on popular, easy-to-prepare items like samosas, chapatis, mandazi, or snacks that are in high demand in your area.

Do I need a license to start this business?

Yes, you will need a food vending license from your local county government.

What accessories should I stock?

Start with essentials like phone cases, screen protectors, chargers, earphones, and memory cards.

Where can I source quality accessories?

Import from suppliers on platforms like Alibaba or buy from wholesalers in major towns like Nairobi and Mombasa.

What services are in high demand?

Writing, graphic design, virtual assistance, social media management, and web development are highly sought after.

How can I find clients?

Use freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or local job boards. Networking on LinkedIn can also be effective.

What kind of events should I start with?

Begin with small events like birthday parties, baby showers, and corporate events.


In Conclusion, A successful business only requires dedication, determination, and hard work.

Therefore, it does not matter how much you use to start a business as long as you have the virtues mentioned above.

All the best, as you start your business!

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Mary is one of the leading writers on Urban Kenyans. She is knowledgable on matters Kenya and has been able to educate many Kenyans on this platform.

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